
DairyNZ welcomes the Government’s move to pause Freshwater Farm Plans while the system is improved.

“It has been our long-standing position that the current system could be improved to reduce cost and complexity, and better acknowledge the environmental progress farmers and the wider dairy sector are making,” DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel says.

“The pause makes sense and will be particularly welcomed by farmers and regional councils in areas where Freshwater Plan Plans have started, including parts of Waikato, Southland, the West Coast, Otago, and Manawatū-Whanganui.

“It is good to see requirements will be simplified, complexity and cost reduced, and existing industry farm plans better recognised, as we have been advocating for.

DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel.

“DairyNZ has been working with dairy companies to provide a dairy perspective while the regulations are reviewed, and we will continue to work with the Government to progress a workable and enduring solution.

“Our focus is on achieving a freshwater farm plan system that:

  • builds upon existing industry-driven Farm Environment Plan systems, through recognition of these and a transition pathway
  • has options for organisational level certification
  • minimises auditing costs
  • is focused on actions that are relevant to each farm
  • is supported by certification and auditing training that is practical and recognises the complexity of farm systems.

“We are looking to develop a system that is robust enough to act as a viable alternative to consents, rules and standards.

“We now want to see national and regional freshwater regulations that make best use of the farm plan, through an approach focused on achieving environmental outcomes, not just numerical limits, and catchment-scale planning to inform farm-specific actions,” Jim says.

Media contact
Kelly Spring
Corporate Communications and Media Manager
p: 027 548 9741
e: kelly.spring@dairynz.co.nz

Page last updated:

4 Sep 2024
