Off-paddock investment
This section will cover all of your available options when considering off-paddock infrastructure investment.
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Total results 10
Off-paddock investment overviewMaking the best decisions around off-paddock infrastructure investment is all about sound analysis of your available options.
A stand-off pad is a drained area where you can keep your livestock for extended periods when pastures aren't suitable. The pad isn't generally for feeding, but rather a place for animals to lie down.
1 min read
A stand-off pad is a drained area where you can keep your livestock for extended periods when pastures aren't suitable. The pad isn't generally for feeding, but rather a place for animals to lie down.
1 min read
A feedpad is used for regular supplementary feeding and loafing of cattle on an area of land that is either formed with a solid foundation and/or concreted to establish a permanent feedpad.
3 min read
A feedpad is used for regular supplementary feeding and loafing of cattle on an area of land that is either formed with a solid foundation and/or concreted to establish a permanent feedpad.
3 min read
Freestall barns are permanent, engineered structures, in which dairy cattle are housed and provided with their daily dietary requirements and water. They may be open air, partially, or fully enclosed.
3 min read
Freestall barns are permanent, engineered structures, in which dairy cattle are housed and provided with their daily dietary requirements and water. They may be open air, partially, or fully enclosed.
3 min read
A loose housed barn with soft bedding is a fully covered facility with a base of soft material that allows effluent to drain through into a collection system.
3 min read
A loose housed barn with soft bedding is a fully covered facility with a base of soft material that allows effluent to drain through into a collection system.
3 min read
A loose housed barn with slatted concrete is a fully covered facility, usually with a plastic film over a frame type roof, and a concrete slatted floor covering an effluent holding bunker.
3 min read
A loose housed barn with slatted concrete is a fully covered facility, usually with a plastic film over a frame type roof, and a concrete slatted floor covering an effluent holding bunker.
3 min read
Managing your off-paddock facilities with good practice principles ensures your cows' comfort and peak production. This page offers guidance on several crucial principles, including ventilation, shade, and use of woodchip bedding.
5 min read
Managing your off-paddock facilities with good practice principles ensures your cows' comfort and peak production. This page offers guidance on several crucial principles, including ventilation, shade, and use of woodchip bedding.
5 min read
Clean and comfortable bedding is crucial for cow welfare and helps prevent diseases like mastitis and lameness. If your cows are frequently dirty, it could indicate issues with your facility's ventilation or cleaning schedule.
7 min read
Clean and comfortable bedding is crucial for cow welfare and helps prevent diseases like mastitis and lameness. If your cows are frequently dirty, it could indicate issues with your facility's ventilation or cleaning schedule.
7 min read
Standing on hard surfaces or constantly wet conditions can cause lameness in cows. When kept in off-paddock facilities, cows' hooves can wear and soften, increasing the risk of injury and infection.
2 min read
Standing on hard surfaces or constantly wet conditions can cause lameness in cows. When kept in off-paddock facilities, cows' hooves can wear and soften, increasing the risk of injury and infection.
2 min read
Environmental mastitis in cows often stems from prolonged exposure to dairy effluent. Off-paddock facilities may heighten the risk, as cows' teats can easily get contaminated by mastitis-causing bacteria.
1 min read
Environmental mastitis in cows often stems from prolonged exposure to dairy effluent. Off-paddock facilities may heighten the risk, as cows' teats can easily get contaminated by mastitis-causing bacteria.
1 min read