Total results 13
Total results 13
Cow Reproduction and Mating OverviewDairy cow fertility is essential to every dairy business being productive. It is important to consider areas to focus on, in order to maximise the herd's reproductive performance.
Animal•3 min read
Extending AB Period
Changing mating management on your dairy farm can offer benefits but comes with potential risks.
Animal•3 min read
Extending AB Period
Animal•3 min read
BCS Nutrition
Body Condition Score (BCS) is a critical element in managing the health and reproduction of your dairy herd. It's essential to maintain BCS targets, as too thin or too fat cows can negatively affect reproductive performance.
Animal•4 min read
BCS Nutrition
Body Condition Score (BCS) is a critical element in managing the health and reproduction of your dairy herd. It's essential to maintain BCS targets, as too thin or too fat cows can negatively affect reproductive performance.
Animal•4 min read
Bull Management
Bull management involves ensuring the right number of healthy bulls for your herd, minimising stress and reducing injury risks. A correct ratio depends on your herd's size and percentage of pregnant cows.
Animal•5 min read
Bull Management
Bull management involves ensuring the right number of healthy bulls for your herd, minimising stress and reducing injury risks. A correct ratio depends on your herd's size and percentage of pregnant cows.
Animal•5 min read
Related tools
InCalf reproduction gap calculator
The calculations made with this tool are estimates of the ‘opportunity cost’ of less-than optimal reproductive performance in a specific herd.
Bull Search
Search for an individual bull or set criteria to produce a list of bulls to suit your requirements.
Animal Herd Averages
Breeding Worth (BW), Production Worth (PW) and trait Breeding Values are available to help farmers make breeding, culling and purchasing decisions.
Ranking of Active Sires
The RAS list is published by NZAEL, an independent animal evaluation body working alongside breeding companies for greater genetic gains.
Bull Team
Simply use the RAS list or search below to add bulls. This page will update with your new selections.
Body Condition Scoring App
Our new and improved Body Condition Scoring (BCS) app makes scoring your cows faster and easier. Designed with farmer feedback and testing, the app helps your record, track and analyse BCS data with ease.
Breeding Worth Tool
The Breeding Worth Tool shows the effect that economic values have on the overall breeding worth of a bull.
Calving Pattern
Improving your herd's reproductive performance starts with understanding and adjusting the calving pattern. Late calving cows often have less recovery time and hence a lower chance of getting pregnant in the first six weeks.
Animal•4 min read
Calving Pattern
Improving your herd's reproductive performance starts with understanding and adjusting the calving pattern. Late calving cows often have less recovery time and hence a lower chance of getting pregnant in the first six weeks.
Animal•4 min read
Using Heat Detection Aids
Using heat detection aids efficiently will help ensure a successful mating period on your dairy farm. There are different heat detection aids for cows, including tail paint, heat mount detectors, electronic heat detection, and vasectomised bulls.
Animal•8 min read
Using Heat Detection Aids
Using heat detection aids efficiently will help ensure a successful mating period on your dairy farm. There are different heat detection aids for cows, including tail paint, heat mount detectors, electronic heat detection, and vasectomised bulls.
Animal•8 min read
Heat Detection Strategy
Heat detection is a key aspect of dairy farming that can significantly influence your herd's reproductive performance.
Animal•3 min read
Heat Detection Strategy
Heat detection is a key aspect of dairy farming that can significantly influence your herd's reproductive performance.
Animal•3 min read
Detect Heats
Understanding cow behaviour is crucial to identify when cows are on heat. This phase, which happens every 18-24 days in non-pregnant cows, refers to when a cow will accept mating.
Animal•3 min read
Detect Heats
Understanding cow behaviour is crucial to identify when cows are on heat. This phase, which happens every 18-24 days in non-pregnant cows, refers to when a cow will accept mating.
Animal•3 min read
Fertility focus report
The InCalf Fertility Focus Report evaluates your herd's reproductive performance and highlights areas to improve. Using your herd's data, it compares your performance against the top 25% of the industry.
Animal•3 min read
Fertility focus report
The InCalf Fertility Focus Report evaluates your herd's reproductive performance and highlights areas to improve. Using your herd's data, it compares your performance against the top 25% of the industry.
Animal•3 min read
Pregnancy testing
Pregnancy testing is key in managing your dairy herd. It tells you which cows are pregnant and their conception time, which helps you to plan effectively.
Animal•3 min read
Pregnancy testing
Pregnancy testing is key in managing your dairy herd. It tells you which cows are pregnant and their conception time, which helps you to plan effectively.
Animal•3 min read