Milking Machine Care
2 min read
In typical New Zealand dairy herds, faulty milking equipment is estimated to cause as many as 40-50% of new clinical mastitis cases. Over an extended period, poorly functioning milking machines cause teat damage and increase the risk of infection. Regular maintenance is an essential component of the mastitis status of your herd.
Regular service and maintenance of your milking machine will help ensure that the speed and completeness of milking is maintained, and the risk of mastitis due to milking machine faults is minimised.
Problems are often due to inadequate maintenance of mechanical components and rubberware, so keep a regular check list and maintenance routine in place.
Guideline 6 provides practical information on:
Technote 6 provides technical information for farmers and advisers on:
Regular servicing of your milking machine will help ensure that the speed and completeness of milking is maintained, and the risk of mastitis due to machine faults is minimised.
Guideline 25 provides practical information on:
Technote 25 provides technical information for farmers and advisers on:
Bacteria are spread by milkers’ hands, teatcup liners, cross flow of milk between teatcups, and splashes or aerosols of milk that occur during stripping.
Keep your hands and the milking area under the cows as free as possible from dirt and contaminated milk to reduce the transfer of bacteria. Do not use high pressure hoses directly beneath or around cows, as these can create aerosols of bacteria-laden droplets that form and settle onto cows.
Clinical cases and chronically infected cows are a source of infection for healthy cows. If these mastitis cows are milked last, the risk of spreading infection is significantly reduced.
Guideline 8 provides practical information on:
Technote 8 provides technical information for farmers and advisers on: