Facial eczema
4 min read
Facial eczema (FE) is a disease caused by a toxin from a fungus in pasture, predominantly in late summer and autumn. It can cause liver damage, skin irritation, and a drop in milk production. Not all cows show clinical signs. You can manage FE by monitoring spore counts and implementing measures like, zinc dosing and, pasture spraying, Long term, you can increase your herd’s tolerance through breeding.
Facial eczema (FE) is a disease that causes liver damage, lowered production, skin irritation and peeling, and sometimes death.
Facial eczema is caused by a toxin (sporidesmin) produced by the spores of the fungus Psuedopithomyces chartarum growing on pasture. The fungus grows in the dead litter at the base of pasture in warm moist conditions.
Sporidesmin, when ingested by cattle, damages the liver and bile ducts. The damaged liver cannot get rid of a breakdown product of chlorophyll that builds up in the blood causing sensitivity to sunlight, which in turn causes inflammation of the skin.
The fungus produces spores when grass minimum temperatures are above 12°C for two or three nights and humidity is high (usually January to May).
The fungus grows on soft litter at the base of the pasture so hard grazing during danger periods increases the risk of spore intake. Pasture management, which increases the build-up of soft litter, is a likely contributor to increased FE risk.
Use this calculator to estimate income loss from facial eczema in your herd.
Video 2:55 min
Not all animals affected with FE show physical signs (i.e. clinical FE) although liver damage (i.e. subclinical FE) may have occurred. It is estimated that for every clinical case, there will be 10 cows with subclinical FE.
Milk production of animals with subclinical FE can be depressed by up to 50%. Blood tests can be used to monitor the extent of subclinical FE.
Badly damaged liver tissue will not regenerate. Chronic wasting and/or death may occur at the time of damage or months later when the animal is under stress (e.g. calving).
There is no cure for FE so prevention is the only way of protecting animals. To be effective, preventative measures need to be in place before eczema spores are found.
Preventative measures include monitoring pasture spore count and either dosing animals with zinc or spraying pastures with a fungicide.
Cows showing clinical signs of facial eczema can recover if prompt action is taken:
In addition to the above, for very sick cows talk to your veterinarian about treatment options, which could include pain relief, a starter drench and vitamin b12 supplementation.
Indicators of recovery include liveweight gain and improvement in body condition score (BCS). Be aware that animals can take up to 12 months to fully recover. Animals with a previous history of clinical FE have a lower chance of recovery than previously unaffected animals.
When making decisions to cull cows, act early before low body condition score and skin irritation negatively impact animal welfare. Read transporting stock to check if cows are fit for transport.
Breeding cows that are more tolerant to facial eczema is a longer term solution to reduce the impact from facial eczema. Facial eczema tolerance is a heritable trait and the right breeding programme can reduce the severity of the disease over time.
Breeding companies offer FE tolerant sires in their bull catalogues. Cows resulting from FE tolerant sires will typically have improved tolerance to FE spores and maintain production under FE challenge.
Gains in FE tolerance will be made as each generation of daughters from FE sires enters the herd. A full herd with FE tolerance is achievable in 7-8 years. If you’re in a high-FE challenge area, talk to your breeding company for more information.
Pasture spore counting is an excellent way to visualise spore count trends and to get a handle on the likely risk.
Awanui Veterinary’s Facial Eczema reporting tool shows the weekly trend in spore counts at a regional and local level, from January to May every year.
Use this tool to see what’s happening in your region. When regional spore counts reach 20,000 spores/g of pasture, begin to monitor farm spore counts.
Choose 4 paddocks that are representative of the farm and monitor. Spore counts on north and west facing slopes are usually higher than east and south facing slopes. Paddocks with a lot of pasture litter and those that are well sheltered often have higher counts. It is highly variable between paddocks but as a guide:
Risk level | |
Low | Less than 15,000/g of pasture |
Slight | 15,000-30,000 (begin zinc treatment if trending to 30,000) |
Moderate | 30,000-60,000 |
High | Greater than 60,000 |
Video 4:18 min
Start early – at least two to three weeks before the spore growth danger period. Weigh a representative sample of at least 20 cows of each of the mobs to be treated to calculate the dose of zinc required.
Fully dose cows with zinc: drenching with zinc oxide, water dosing with zinc sulphate, administering in feed or as an intraruminal bolus (e.g. Time Capsule, Face-Guard). Zinc is toxic in high doses; take care calculating dose rates.
The more control a farmer has over the amount of zinc a cow receives the more likely it is that the cows are receiving the correct daily dose. Zinc drenching and intraruminal bolus are the most reliable forms of prevention. Water dosing is less effective due to variably of trough size and flow rate, and cow variability in water intake.
Talk to your veterinarian about options to monitor whether your FE management programme is working, particularly if you are providing zinc through the water system. Since 2022, Fonterra suppliers have had the additional option of using ZincCheck - a bulk milk test to indicate whether the majority of the herd have reached the zinc serum level needed for protection from FE.
Spraying the pasture with a fungicide will slow the development of the fungus and subsequent production of spores. Apply only when pasture has confirmed spore counts below 20,000 and is green and growing.
Spraying should cover all areas including fence lines and under hedges. Check spore counts after spraying and before grazing, to ensure pastures are below acceptable levels. Pasture will be safe for 4-6 weeks after which they will need to be resprayed or monitored with spore counting.
Minimise the build-up of soft litter by avoiding topping and managing pasture quality in November/December. Avoid grazing below 4cm pasture height during summer months; use supplements to reduce grazing pressure.
Video 1:55 min
To respond to the growing challenge of Facial Eczema (FE), DairyNZ is supporting the $20M Eliminating Facial Eczema Impact (EFEI) project, led by Beef+Lamb NZ, with co-funding from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and other sector partners. This cross-sector project is working on new tools and solutions intending to eliminate FE from New Zealand livestock altogether. If successful, it will achieve a world first.