
Animal database DIGAD


9 min read

About the Animal Database What data does DIGAD contain? Accessing data Supplying data History Key reports Additional resources

The Dairy Industry Good Animal Database (DIGAD) holds pedigree and performance information for every recorded dairy cow in New Zealand. It is led by NZAEL, an industry good organisation and wholly owned subsidiary of DairyNZ, which uses the data to keep improving the sector’s efficiency and productivity. The DIGAD is involved in building a database, animal evaluation models, and developing systems for certified herd testing providers to submit data. Access to the data held in DIGAD can be requested through DairyNZ, and data standards are in place to maintain the quality of data.


About the Animal Database

Achieving ongoing genetic gain has been a cornerstone of the New Zealand dairy farmers’ competitiveness. The Dairy Industry Good Animal Database (DIGAD) was established in 2014 and is a comprehensive database managed by NZAEL, a wholly owned subsidiary of DairyNZ. It serves as a central repository for individual animal performance data collected from participating dairy farms across the country.

This database enables dairy farmers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to access valuable information on traits such as milk production, fertility, health, and conformation. By analysing this data, farmers can make informed breeding decisions to improve the overall productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of their dairy herds.

Core data is available through DairyNZ for industry good purposes, and access is granted through the core data access panel.

What data does DIGAD contain?

DIGAD contains both core and non-core data, and there are separate regulations or conditions controlling the use and distribution of each data set. The primary use of core and non-core data is to calculate the Breeding Worth of animals through the animal evaluation function.

The core data is made up of 46 fields of raw data prescribed in the Dairy Industry Amendment Regulations 2014 (Herd Testing and New Zealand Dairy Core Database). The data is generated through herd recording (calvings/matings etc.) and herd measurement (herd testing, herd weighing). Data is initially collected by herd record providers, who then pass it on to the DIGAD. There are regulations restricting the use of core data.

Non-core data is also supplied by herd record providers. It includes information about body condition score and traits other than production (such as udder support and cow temperament) which are collected and assessed by participating Breed Society inspectors. The distribution of this data is governed by an agreement with the supplier and there are conditions around data use. Anyone requiring access to this data should discuss their requirements with the DIGAD Administrator.

Accessing data from DIGAD

Access to the data held in DIGAD can be requested through DairyNZ, and data standards are in place to maintain the quality of data. Read more on how to supply or access data from DIGAD below. 

The governance process for accessing data ensures industry good data is protected from misuse and inappropriate distribution. All requests and data provisioning (including the intended use) will be tracked and monitored.

Requests and subsequent data access is confidential. Details of the applicant, the intended use of data and the scope of data provided will not be disclosed outside DairyNZ or the Access Panel.

The Access Panel comprises three members appointed by the Ministry for Primary Industries. They are responsible for granting applicants access to information stored in the core database.

DIGAD Enquiries Form

To make an enquiry regarding data access, please complete the form. Read more about this process and next steps below.

Complete the form

Access data in 7 steps

Complete the form

To make an enquiry regarding data access, please enter your details into the DIGAD enquiry form.

The database administrator will contact you to discuss the following
  • What data fields are required, and the scope of data required e.g. current season, last five years, production data, or summarised data.
  • Intended use of the data.
  • Data requirements from other sources, e.g. some required data fields may not be held in DIGAD but could be available directly from Herd Recorders (LIC or CRV).
Cost estimate provided

An estimate for providing the required data will be calculated, including fees and extract costs.

Initial quote accepted
  • If the applicant decides to continue with their request, they will then complete an Access Panel Application Form is completed and submitted to the access panel.
  • Allow 30 days for a panel decision.
Access panel review

The access panel will review the data requirements, applicant, and the intended use of the requested data. If approved, the access panel may create specific terms and conditions the applicant must agree to, before receiving the data.

Invoice supplied

DairyNZ will generate an invoice for the cost of data provision and this invoice must be paid before the data is extracted.

Data supplied
  • The data will be extracted and provided in a secure manner e.g. encrypted data transfer.
  • Allow 28 days for a data extract.


All data requests are reviewed by the Access Panel, and the success of the application depends on the intended use of the data. Data will be supplied to applicants if it is determined to be for the benefit of the dairy sector. The table below summarises the costs associated with data requests:

  • Application fee (payable to Core Database Panel): $179.31 per request ($200 including GST)
  • Administration fee: $500 per request
  • Base programming fee: $600 per approved data extract
  • Additional programming fee: $150 per hour (or part thereof)
  • Extract fee: $0.33 per animal per season of Core Data
  • Maximum cost per extract: $80,000
  • Additional extracts fee: $500 per extract and $0.03 per animal


DairyNZ is the custodian of the core database governed by the Dairy Industry (Herd Testing and New Zealand Dairy Core Database) Regulations 2001.

Regulation 25 (Confidentiality) requires DairyNZ to keep confidential:

  • Information contained in an application to the Panel in relation to the supply of data in the core database.
  • The fact that an application has been made.
  • The fact that any data in the core database has been made available because of an application.

Requests and subsequent data access is confidential. Details of the applicant, the intended use of data and the scope of data provided will not be disclosed outside DairyNZ or the access panel.

Supplying DIGAD data

DIGAD is a database that holds data for every recorded dairy cow in New Zealand. Information in DIGAD is supplied by herd record providers and is used by NZAEL to operate Animal Evaluation models. Data supplied to DIGAD helps maintain high-quality information and assists in breeding decisions. This leads to better herd management, improved productivity and profitability.

You can supply data through herd testing via certified herd testing providers. The herd testing company will then directly submit data on your behalf. This data is available to farmers through the NZAEL tools for benchmarking and to determine national breeding decision that influence breeding worth.

Herd testing

Herd testing is a valuable way to provide data to DIGAD and is provided through certified herd testers. There are currently two certified herd testers in NZ - LIC and CRV Ambreed. To find out how herd testing can be carried out in your herd, please contact your preferred certified herd tester:

Name Contact Details Certified by Date certified Date of expiry
CRV AmBreed New Zealand Ltd


Ph: 0800 262 733

Telarc SAI Ltd 20 April 2023 9 May 2026
Livestock Improvement Corporation


Ph: 0800 264 632

Telarc SAI Ltd 26 October 2022 4 November 2025

To become a Certified Herd Tester, contact the certification body listed below:

Name Contact details Date approved Date of expiry
Telarc SAI Ltd


Ph: 0800 004 004

3 June 2020 31 July 2026

Herd testing standard regulations

Herd test standards were released in July 2015. Key points covered by the Standard:

  • Equipment used for herd testing must either be approved by the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) or historically approved via the dairy industry regulations (Herd Testing and New Zealand Dairy Core Database).
  • Only data from a Certified Herd Tester enters DIGAD for use for research or animal evaluation purposes.
  • Milk volume and milk component testing e.g. fat and protein percentages and somatic cell counts must be undertaken by an approved Certified Herd Tester. The protocols for herd testing and agreed formats for submitting data are specified in the Standard and all certified herd testers must follow these when herd testing and submitting data to DIGAD.
  • A certified herd tester can use both traditional milk meters and permanently installed measurement equipment that meets accuracy requirements specified in the Standard.
  • Milk component testing can be integrated with volume data collected by permanently installed measurement equipment.
  • A range of herd testing options are available to suit different farming systems including once a day milking, 16 hourly milking, AM only, PM only, AM/PM, and distributed milking systems.
  • A contemporary group is a group of animals within a herd who are the same age, and who calved in the same season (i.e. Spring calving). All lactating cows in a contemporary group must be tested on the same day, with the exception of cows that are not fit for testing (sick/injured). More detailed information on contemporary groups for herd testing.

A full version of the Herd Test Standard may be purchased on-line from the Standards New Zealand website (keyword: NZS 8100:2015). The following supplementary information is available free of charge:

  • Supplement A: Dairy herd testing equipment approval procedures and production data standards.
  • Supplement C: Herd testing procedures for milking herds.
  • Supplement E: Examples of the herd test period, herd test, herd, herd test sample, and herd test sample milking.

Our history

In 2008, DairyNZ established a committee headed by Professor Robert Anderson, to undertake a comprehensive review of the New Zealand dairy sector’s animal database.

The Committee sought and considered submissions from a range of organisations and individuals, and released a range of recommendations in a report titled the New Zealand Dairy Herd Improvement Database Review. Two recommendations in this report were to transfer the Core Database and the Animal Evaluation function from LIC to an industry good body.

In August 2013, DairyNZ and LIC signed a formal agreement setting out the terms of the transfer of the Core Database and the licensing of the Animal Evaluation Intellectual Property to enable DairyNZ to operate and develop the New Zealand Animal Evaluation system.

Key documents on how we operate:

Findings of 2024 Audit of New Zealand Dairy Core Database Access Panel (NZDCDAP). Under the Dairy Industry (Herd Testing and New Zealand Dairy Core Database) Regulations 2001 the Access Panel must appoint an auditor to audit the role of Manager of the core database’s compliance with the Standard. 

The agreed terms for the Dairy Industry Good Animal Database around intellectual property and agreed operations between LIC and DairyNZ. Released September 2013.

The challenges and opportunities facing the New Zealand dairy sector. The paper discusses strategies for optimising dairy herd management, including maintaining the National Breeding Objective to improve productivity and resilience, as well as implementing best practices for animal health and welfare. Released December 2012.

The findings from the review of DIGAD commissioned by DairyNZ - A summary.

Last updated: Feb 2024
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