
The milksolids levy rate consultation has now closed

Thank you to all levy payers who provided feedback. The DairyNZ Board will now review the feedback and decide on a single milksolids levy rate. Levy payers will be notified of their decision by 1 May 2025.

In October 2024 at our AGM, farmers were provided early notice by the DairyNZ Board that we need to raise the milksolids levy from next season to potentially accelerate our ability to meet emerging opportunities and challenges and to ensure financial sustainability.

We are now seeking your feedback on which levy rate you support. We encourage you to read the information provided here, join an event or online presentation to learn more, and provide your feedback.

Watch: Hear from DairyNZ Chair, Tracy Brown, and Chief Executive, Campbell Parker.

Your feedback matters

The DairyNZ Board are seeking feedback on what level of increased milksolids levy investment you wish to support.

A vote is not required for the DairyNZ Board to change the milksolids levy rate, but your feedback is important to enable the Board to make a decision.

Please note this consultation is separate to the six-year milksolids levy vote which will occur in 2026, during which you vote on your continued support for DairyNZ.

Supporting information

We encourage you to read the supporting information in this consultation pack to help you provide feedback on your preferred milksolids levy rate.

View the consultation document

Consultation timeline 2025

Consultation begins

3 February

Feedback portal open

Access via unique password and pin received via post

Farmer events

11-28 February


20, 25 and 27 February

Consultation closes

12 noon 2 March

DairyNZ Board considers feedback

Board decision on milksolids levy rate notified by

1 May

New milksolids levy rate applies

1 June

Payment dates remain the same

Proposed milksolids levy rate increase

The current milksolids levy rate of 3.6c/kgMS was set in 2009 and has not changed for 16 years.

To meet the opportunities and challenges ahead, sustain research and science investments, and ensure prudent financial management, we have determined that the milksolids levy rate needs to increase.

Two ranges to choose from

Here's how the two options compare. You can read more about the examples of investment and delivery within each of these ranges in the Levy consultation information pack.

What this means for you

Every farm business is unique, and what you will pay depends on your milksolids production.

For example:

  • A milksolids levy rate of 4.4c/kgMS would increase a farmer’s annual milksolids levy payment by $800 per 100,000 kgMS
  • A milksolids levy rate of 5.0c/kgMS would increase a farmer’s annual milksolids levy payment by $1400 per 100,000 kgMS

How to provide feedback

The DairyNZ Board values your feedback. The feedback process is run independently by electionz.com. Every levy payer has been sent a letter and an email with a unique pin and password that provides access to a secure online feedback form in the link below. The board's decision will be based on feedback provided via the electionz.com feedback form.

If you have not received this information, or need help while providing feedback, please contact electionz.com on free phone 0800 666 029 or email iro@electionz.com and they will assist you.

Provide your feedback here


How you can find out more

During the consultation you can attend an in-person event or online presentation, providing an opportunity to talk to DairyNZ Board Directors and Management about the proposal.

You can also read our Levy consultation information pack.

In-person events

These events are being held as detailed below. Click here to select your preferred location and register.

Location Day and time Venue
Palmerston North Tuesday 11 February
Bunnythorpe Community Centre
Raymond Street
Matamata Monday 17 February
Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre
11 Tainui Street
Te Awamutu Monday 17 February
Te Awamutu Rugby Sports and Recreation Club
420 Albert Park Drive
Te Awamutu
Stratford Tuesday 18 February
Stratford War Memorial Centre
55 Miranda Street
Winton Thursday 20 February
Salvation Army Hall
7 Dejoux Road
Ashburton Friday 21 February
Hotel Ashburton
11/35 Racecourse Road
Greymouth Monday 24 February
Greymouth Brass Band Hall
7 Steer Avenue
Te Puke Wednesday 26 February
Pongakawa Hall
952 Old Coach Road
Whangarei Friday 28 February
Barge Park
474 Maunu Road

Online events

Day Time Meeting link
Thursday 20 February 7pm-8.00pm Register here
Tuesday 25 February 12pm-1.00pm Register here
Thursday 27 February 7pm-8.00pm Register here

We value your input and thank you for your ongoing support. DairyNZ remains committed to ensuring the milksolids levy is your best investment. As an industry-good body we will always advocate for the big issues that matter to farmers and deliver solutions to secure a positive future for our sector.

Frequently asked questions

Who do I contact for support with providing feedback online?

Every eligible milksolids levy payer should have received a letter with a unique pin and password that provides access to a secure online feedback form via electionz.com. The majority of eligible levy payers should also receive an email, with the exception being those for which we have not been provided email addresses by their milk processor.

If you have not received this information, or need help while providing feedback, please contact electionz.com on free phone 0800 666 029 or email iro@electionz.com and they will assist you. Have your supply number handy.

For any other questions please call the DairyNZ team on freephone 0800 4 324 7969 or email them at info@dairynz.co.nz

Will the rate change? Will it be one rate or a range?

Following consultation, the DairyNZ Board will decide on a single rate and notify levy payers by 1 May 2025. Any new rate would apply from 1 June 2025 and payment dates remain the same i.e. the first payment would be made in July 2025.

We have set out the reasons for reviewing the rate and have two options for consideration.

Farmers’ views are important, and we will notify any change once the DairyNZ Board has reviewed and considered the feedback.

Who can provide feedback on the proposal and how?

Consultation is open to farmers who paid a milksolids levy to DairyNZ in the 2024/25 season. This is based on data supplied to us by milk processors.

Feedback on the rate option you support can be made anonymously by way of a secure online feedback form via electionz.com using the pin and password that should arrive by post and email.

Consultation closes 12 noon on 2 March 2025.

Is the feedback confidential/anonymous?

Yes. The online feedback process is managed through an independent organisation, electionz.com. Eligible levy payers should receive a unique pin and password from electionz.com via post and email to confirm their eligibility to provide feedback.

While the Board will have access to the feedback, it will be provided to them by electionz.com anonymously.

What information will be considered?

The Board will receive:

  • The proportion of feedback in support of each option in terms of levy payers and milksolids represented.
  • The number of those who provided written feedback but chose not to select an option.
  • Written feedback, raw and grouped into key themes.

All of this information will be provided to DairyNZ anonymously by electionz.com.