
Dairy farmers are encouraged to consider joining DairyNZ’s Board of Directors and DairyNZ’s Directors’ Remuneration Committee.

We're asking farmers to help shape the future of DairyNZ and the sector by applying for one of these important roles.

Nominations open on Monday, 22 July for two farmer-elected directors on the DairyNZ Board and one Directors’ Remuneration Committee member.

Director election

DairyNZ is seeking candidates for two farmer-elected directors on the DairyNZ Board, who would support the governance of DairyNZ, including the roll out of the new strategy.

Passionate and future-focused farmers are encouraged to consider applying, with ideal candidates having:

  • an ability to think strategically and position dairy well for the future
  • an understanding of farm systems, research and development, and policy
  • sound networks and established relationships across the dairy sector
  • governance experience, ideally in previous director or associate director positions
  • strong leadership skills and advocacy experience at a sector level.

This year, Jacqueline Rowarth is retiring by rotation, while Jim van der Poel is standing down.

DairyNZ has a governing board of eight members. Five are farmer-elected and three are independent, professional directors.

Directors’ Remuneration Committee election

An election is also being held for one member of the Directors’ Remuneration Committee (DRC).

Each year the DRC reviews and makes recommendations to the DairyNZ Board on changes to directors’ remunerations and other benefits. This is to ensure remunerations are at an appropriate level and effectively managed.

The remunerations and benefits recommended by the DRC are put to levy payers for approval at the DairyNZ Annual General Meeting.

Nomination process

All farmers paying a levy on milksolids to DairyNZ are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors and the Directors’ Remuneration Committee. The election will be managed by electionz.com

Candidates must be nominated by two DairyNZ levy payers.

More information on the nomination process is available in the candidate booklet. Contact the election helpline on 0800 666 935, or email iro@electionz.com for more details.

Nominations must be received by the Returning Officer by 12 noon on Friday 9 August 2024.

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