Ina Pinxterhuis
Principal Scientist
With over 30 years in research, Ina has made significant contributions to agricultural science.
She led pioneering projects that link applied science with extension, ensuring two-way feedback to address relevant questions and effectively communicate findings to farmers and others in the sector. Her work aims to produce long-term solutions to ensure the sustainability and profitability of dairying.
She joined DairyNZ in 2011. Her passion for sustainable dairying stems from her upbringing with family farms alongside nature conservations areas, where she developed a passion for studying the connections between people, animals, and plants.
Her key accomplishments include leading the award-winning Forages for Reduced Nitrate Leaching Programme. She has also been involved in significant New Zealand farm systems research projects. These include the Matrix for Good Management Project to develop the Industry-agreed Good Management Practices Relating to Water Quality. The Southern Wintering Systems, a DairyNZ-led initiative supporting decisions around winter management of dairy cows to achieve more profitable farms, good outcomes for animals and reduced environmental impacts. As well as Pastoral 21 Canterbury, a farm system comparison of high and low input farm systems for high profitability and reduced nitrate leaching.
Ina’s international professional journey includes working at the Institute of Applied Science for Animal Husbandry and Wageningen Livestock Research in The Netherlands. She has served as treasurer of the Netherlands Society for Grassland and Fodder Crops, she was a board member of the Dutch Network Organic Dairy Products, and programme leader for Dutch research on organic animal production. Additionally, she is regularly invited as a speaker and facilitator at events.
Ina holds a PhD that investigated white clover dynamics in New Zealand pastures and a Masters in Grasslands Science from Wageningen University.