
Callum is a social scientist who specialises in farm workplace research, including the integration of technology and practices into farm systems. Callum’s scientific approach includes qualitative and quantitative social research methods and using collaborative principles to engage with farmers and other stakeholders.

After starting his science career at Massey University in 2002, he completed a PhD and then worked at The University of Melbourne. In 2014, Callum returned to New Zealand and joined DairyNZ.

For Callum, science plays a crucial role in addressing the increasingly complex issues farmers are facing. His job as a scientist is to focus on both the present and future challenges to identify the opportunities for farmers and the wider sector.

Callum enjoys bringing different perspectives to an issue and facilitating collaborative approaches to science to create workable solutions.

As Callum puts it, “It’s not just about a great idea but about how it works on farm”.

Callum holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, focusing on technology and innovative dairy systems. He has a Master of Applied Science (Natural Resource Management) from Massey University, as well as an Honours and Bachelor’s degree in Applied Science (Natural Resource Management).
