


027 288 8238


Senior Area Manager


Upper North Island

Kevin’s been involved in the dairy sector for nearly 40 years, helping farmers succeed through three generations. He’s learned how to answer the phone, too.

“I’ve been working with farmers and rural industry people since leaving Massey Uni in 1986. I recently had a farmer tell me I’d previously worked with her grandfather!”

Kevin’s also learned a lot along the way, including phone etiquette.

“It’s a mistake to assume that a person ringing on the phone is your wife, when in fact it is a farmer… and answering the call with, ‘G’day Sweetie!’”.

He’s part of the farmer-facing team that helps farmers achieve their goals, by working with them and other rural stakeholders on an individual and group basis.

“The dairy sector is a huge part of the social fabric of our country and the greater New Zealand economy. Being a major contributor towards continuing the great work of the past is key to a greater future for New Zealand dairy farming.

“Networking with other stakeholders is critical in keeping a collaborative approach to working towards that greater future. That’s the definition of ‘team’ I believe: Together Everyone Achieves More.

“I also really enjoy the fact that we can make a difference on a daily basis either for the sector future or for a farming family. So, when it comes to what DairyNZ and our regional teams can do for the industry and its people, I think to myself, ‘farmers don’t care how much we know, until they know how much we care’.”

Snapshot: Kevin McKinley

My qualifications:

Bachelors in Agricultural Science. Intermediate Sustainable Nutrient Management qualification.

Career and connections:

Farm consultant 1987 to 2008. General manager Golden Bay Vet Club 1998 to 2008. Member New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management 2014.
