Anna Hall
Regional Manager - Upper South Island
027 411 5663Role
Regional Manager
Upper South Island
Like most DairyNZ regional team members, Anna’s first-hand dairying experience provides a real understanding of farming’s opportunities and challenges.
“I lead an Upper South Island team that genuinely has a passion for the sector and for supporting farmers. We work alongside farmers to help them manage and improve their farm systems. We also bring them together with the right people from inside and outside the farm gate to get the best value for their levy.”
That work also sees Anna and her team networking with a wide range of rural professionals and organisations regularly, while reducing mixed messaging and duplication where possible.
“We know farmers’ time is precious. Supporting farmers to remain profitable and sustainable is crucial to their business success, but also for local and national economies and communities. Our investment in research and development will also help to support the next generation of dairy farmers – and ensure New Zealand dairying retains its competitive edge on a global scale.”
Anna has been a low-order sharemilker and contract milker for over 12 years. Before joining DairyNZ in 2020, she worked with Primary ITO and Asure Quality as part of the Mycoplasma Bovis response.
“It’s great seeing the progression of people through dairying – and I want my two daughters to see great female role models in the sector. I also love hearing from farmers who are testing or innovating and embracing technology or systems to improve the job or the workplace.”
My qualifications:
Diploma in Agribusiness (HR).
Career and connections:
Was a dairy training advisor for the Primary Industry Training Organisation (ITO), and a farm case manager/ICP Manager (incident control point) with Asure Quality in the Mycoplasma Bovis Eradication programme. Has also been a lower order sharemilker/contract milker.